Mike Everett
President (former)
Mike Everett has 25 years of experience in the hospitality investment and development arena, with companies such as Sage Hospitality and Destination Hotels & Resorts. Most recently, he served as President of NuovoRE, a Denver-based development organizer focused on completing adaptive reuse projects in emerging markets, while employing social impact strategies that improve the local landscape in which the projects reside. This innovative business model balances the financial performance of the properties alongside environmental, employment, and purchasing decisions that occur on a daily basis. The organization completed and is currently underway with projects in Baltimore, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Merced (CA), and St. Louis.
Mike is a member of the ULI Hotel Development Council, AHLA Investment Roundtable, and is a founding board member of the Marriott-Sorenson Center for Hospitality at Howard University. He is a graduate of the School of Hotel Administration at Cornell University. He is also currently supporting the City of Denver as it develops real estate strategies to combat homelessness.